23 Nov Science Learning in Action with Rockingham Primary School
Science Learning in Action with Rockingham Primary School
Another week at Rockingham Primary with more science learning!
“Year 6 had a great time with the @STEMLearningUK Virgin Money session. The children saw maths in a real life context that was exciting and encouraged curiosity.” @rockinghamrh3
“In science this week, class 8 have made their own flags using a pulley mechanism. We loved this lesson! ❤️
@RockinghamPri” @rockinghamrh3
“Discussions with our body and our health with meet the brain workshop. @rocking @CoramLifeEd“
“Year 3- Class 8 visit of Coram Life Education- Meet the brain @CoramLifeEd @RockinghamPri”
Rockingham Primary is an Enthuse Partner Lead School: (June 2022 to May 2024) coached by Jane Elmer.
Partner schools: Briar Hill Primary School & Nursery, Cedar Road Primary School, Eastfield Academy, Edward Heneage Primary Academy, Kings Heath Primary Academy, Quay Academy, Rockingham Primary School (Lead School), The Arbours Primary Academy, Wold Academy.
What is this partnership aiming to achieve?
- Raising aspirations through new experiences, personal development and exposure to new people and places with STEAM career focuses.
- Developing an understanding of how science is used in the real world and STEM careers.
- Enhancing science capital and developing through enrichment opportunities in addition to their current curriculum.
DTSA works on Enthuse Partnerships in conjunction with employers and STEM Learning. If you would like to be one of these employers, and fund one of our projects in the East Midlands, then please contact Finance@DTSA.org.uk.
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